ursuppe is a public service for contemporary art in Denmark that amplifies and preserves events, archives and highlights, as well as providing a pinboard

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Invitation to ursuppe's first workshop

Posted 10 months ago

Open call


16.05.2024 ursuppe is launching as a member-driven platform cooperative for artists to reclaim the circulation of press material in Denmark, as well as the source code under an open license (CNPLv7).

ursuppe is an artist-run and anti-authoritarian platform for contemporary art in Denmark with three core functions:
– An open submissions platform for exhibition, performance, and screening archives.
– An open events calendar with an integrated map.
– Highlights maintained by a board of artist-moderators.

ursuppe has a frequent cycle of artist-moderators in the board as well as workshops questioning their collective position to ensure diversity and political awareness. The platform functions as a platform cooperative owned by the artists running it. This means that most components are moldable, including the name, identity, and general goals, except policies that have to be decided in our first workshop.

This is an invitation to join that workshop. Besides a short grounding meditation, the workshop will include an introduction to the platform, an opening to be a part of the board of artist-moderators and the cooperative, how to contribute ideas, content, and code, strict policies that can not be molded (e.g., whether members needs to be artists for ursuppe to be artist-run, and if we would want to accept financial support from established institutions), a general discussion on anti-authoritarianism, non-hierarchies, egalitarianism, intersectional feminism, and others terms that is inextricably entangled with ursuppe.

The workshop will be remote to cover a larger geographical area of Denmark. The date is to be set, but will supposedly be at the end of the summer 2024. Join the workshop by sending an e-mail to ursuppe@kollektiv.email

ursuppe encourages anyone to join regardless of background, education, class, gender, race, ethnicity, ability, age and other sociopolitical markers.

