ursuppe is a public service for contemporary art in Denmark that amplifies and preserves events, archives and highlights, as well as providing a pinboard

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If you would like to create an event for our map, please fill out our form below. Criteria for submissions is that the event is being held in Denmark or with artists who reside in Denmark, and that the information aligns with the IRL dates of the event. When you create the event, you accept the possibility of being featured on the index as a highlight chosen by our board of artist-editors, as well as on our social media account.


ursuppe does not tolerate any type of discriminatory content e.g., misogynistic, racist, homophobic, or transphobic content will be deleted without further notice.

ursuppe encourages anyone to contribute content regardless of background, education, class, gender, race, ethnicity, ability, age, and other sociopolitical markers.

Required *

Required *

Required *

Divide multiple artists with comma (,)

Divide multiple curators with comma (,)

Required *

URL e.g., https://ladder.dk

Required *

[street name] [street number], [town/city], [postcode], Denmark

Halmtorvet 11D, København V, 1700, Denmark

Required *

[value] [valuta] or free

- 80 DKK
- Free

Check this box if the event is not on for multiple days

Required *

e.g., 14/10/2023

Required *

e.g., 16/10/2023

Required *

[weekday(s) and interval]: [timeslot]

- Wednesday-Saturday, except Thursday: 16:00-20:00
- Thursday, Friday: 19:00-22:00
- By appointment, Saturday: 12:00-16:00
- Wednesday-Friday: 16:00-20:00,
Saturday: 12:00-17:00,
Sunday: 12:00-14:00,
Closed from 30.12.23 until 06.01.24

Required *

e.g., 13/10/2023

Required *


- 17:00-20:00

Required *

Required *

Required *

Optional. Max uploaded size is 3 MB.