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Sara Hagins

Cyprianus Radio #2

Curated by Kaellingstenen, Ida Hørlyck, Emma Raun, Nina Fjordbak Nielsen


Aug. 18, 2024

One-day event: 11:00 - 16:00

Meeting at Kulturstationen i Skørping going to Klodholm bålplads, Rold Skov

Klodholm bålplads, Rold Skov, Skørping, 9520, Denmark




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Poster for Cyprianus Radio #2


CYPRIANUS RADIO continues with the second event in Rebild Municipality on the 18th of August, inviting to slow processes and rest. Local artist Sara Hagins will be leading a walk and foraging tour deep inside the Rold Forest - a natural area full of many untold stories.
During the walk, she will expand and continue her existing, ongoing work: "Protestbanner".
“Protestbanner” consists of hundreds pieces of silk sewn together into one large banner. The silk has been dyed with plants collected and processed through five different projects since the summer of 2020.
At CYPRIANUS RADIO #2, Sara will continue her work by collecting materials for dyeing during the walk and concluding it by lighting a fire and dyeing brought silk and cotton fabrics with the participants. The waiting time while the fabrics dye will be used for conversations about the nature we are in, who inhabits it, and how we find rest.
Sara hopes that people can see themselves in a larger context. Who are we in the world and in the landscapes, we move through? The project aims to influence both the inner landscapes and the surrounding nature through the walk and workshop.
As a participant, you will learn about herbs and plants that are good for dyeing in the warm late summer, learn various plant dyeing techniques, and help build on an ongoing artistic work.
There will, of course, be time to plant-dye your own piece of textile in peace. The day concludes with an "artist talk" in the forest, a conversation between the participants, Sara, and moderated by Kaellingstenen.
You are welcome to bring a piece of light fabric/cloth or a pillowcase to dye with plants. Otherwise, fabrics will also be available on the day.
There will be snacks and drinks throughout the day, but we recommend packing a small lunch to bring along.

Schedule: 11:00 - 16:00

Meeting Place: Kulturstationen in Skørping at 11:00 AM
(From here, we will walk together through Rold Forest to Klodholm Campsite. If you are not joining the walk, you can park your car at Stendalen, where it is a 500m walk to the site.)

About the Artist:
Sara Hagins (she/her) is a Portuguese-educated, internationally-oriented artist based in Aalborg. She has been working performatively and outdoors with nature since 2016. Additionally, she is part of the Lím Collective—an experimental platform in North Jutland dedicated to alliances between contemporary artistic practices, health, and care.
The essence of Sara's work can be briefly described as an effort to rediscover her materials, her own abilities and curiosity, and the surrounding world in which she wishes to present her works.
Sara's practice encourages a certain form of interaction with the audience. It is her thesis that interacting with the environment produces great empathy and engagement, thereby creating value for the participant. This form of participation can be related to concepts such as empowerment, influence, and co-determination. Sara wants the audience to experience her works and practice as a place where they should engage actively, which hopefully can draw connections to the audience's active and genuine involvement in all matters and decisions concerning their entire lives.

Website: www.sarahagins.dk

Thanks to IVÆRK, Rebild Kommune, Region Nordjylland - Kultur i Nærheden / Region Nordjylland's Kulturudviklingspulje and Jammerbugt Kommune for the support.