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Asta Lynge, Jakob Ohrt, Eleanor Ivory Weber



Aug. 16, 2024 → Sept. 15, 2024

Friday and Saturday: 13:00-17:00
..or by appointment (write mail@jakobohrt.com or mail@astalynge.info)


Aug. 15, 2024, 16:00-20:00 ..reading by Eleanor Ivory Weber 19:00

ANA - Astrid Noacks Atelier

Rådmandsgade 34, Nørrebro N, 2200, Denmark




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The title Plenty is taken from renowned chef and author Yotam Ottolenghi’s bestselling cookbook. Through sculpture, video and text, the works reinterpret various household items and reflect upon their function and their distribution. Food for thought: aspirational living compels consumers to endlessly trade the old for the new; capitalist individualism results in the reproduction en masse of the same; and cultivation of good conscience consumption is the psychic equivalent of waste management.

Asta Lynge and Jakob Ohrt are artists who occasionally work together. Their work revolves around the notion of lifestyle often reducing it to its basic spatial, social or material conditions. Their collaborative work has been shown at O–Overgaden, Copenhagen; Cherry Hill, Cologne; Cucina, Copenhagen; Cittipunkt, Berlin; Vermilion Sands, Copenhagen and Stockholm School of Economics (with coyote).

Eleanor Ivory Weber is a writer and artist living in Brussels. In recent years her texts and performance works have been presented at C.C.C. Gallery, Copenhagen (with Philip Poppek); Wiels, Grand Casino Knokke; Woonhuis De Ateliers, Amsterdam; Etablissement d’en face, Brussels; Haus am Waldsee, Berlin; Alma Sarif, Brussels; and Kunstverein München.