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Camilla Brogaard, Frederik Melving Vigil Hansen

Cyprianus Radio #1

Curated by Kaellingstenen, Ida Hørlyck, Emma Raun, Nina Fjordbak Nielsen


June 1, 2024 → June 1, 2024

Event starting at 12:45 by the KulturStationen in Skørping
Ending at 18:00


June 1, 2024, 12:45-18:00

KulturStationen Skørping

Sverriggårdsvej 4, 9520 Skørping, Denmark




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Poster for Cyprianus Radio #1


CYPRIANUS RADIO kicks off the series of events in Rebild Municipality on June 1st with an event featuring performance artist Camilla Brogaard and sound artist Frederik Melving Vigil Hansen, each of whom has created a performance based on nature in Rold skov.

Camilla Brogaard will facilitate a collaborative performance that explores the social structure of the jaw. The jaw is the focal point of Camilla Brogaard's performance as a rethinking of the concept of folklore and the tradition that has carried stories through generations. The performance takes place at Ravnkilde in Rold Skov, connecting the word 'source' as a homonym to both the nature in Rold Skov and the sources of stories that exist about Rold Skov, which the jaws have passed on. Brogaard's performance aims to establish a space for a re-establishment of collaboration with and relation to nature and the way our bodies are connected to nature and its stories.

Frederik Melving Vigil Hansen will create and perform a sound piece where he uses various technologies to allow nature to express itself. The sound piece is based on Rold Skov, its fauna, and materials, thus becoming a nature-inspiring, poetic spokesperson for nature. Frederik hopes that the sound piece can tell the audience about the past and future of the materials and the forest.

Time and place:
kl 12.45: We meet in front of KulturStationen, Sveriggårdsvej 4, Skørping - from here a bus will pick us up and drive to Rold Skov.
kl. 13.30: Performance by Camilla Brogaard, Rold Skov.
kl. 14.30: Casual hike/walk together back to KulturStationen
(It will also be possible to get back with the bus.)
kl. 16.00: Concert with Frederik Melving Vigil Hansen, 100-salen, KulturStationen.
kl. 17.05: Talk between the two artist and the audience - moderated by Kaellingstenen.
kl. 18.00: Snacks and goodbye

We recommend that you attend the whole event during the day.

Camilla Brogaard (she/her) is a Danish performance artist, facilitator, and philosopher (MA). She works daily in the intersection between choreography, activism, and somatic therapy. In her search for harmony between these fields of knowledge, Camilla's artistic practice has cultivated a strong relationship with—and processing of—care work, somatoesthetic issues, and the "socialized body."

Frederik Melving Vigil Hansen (he/him) is a sound designer/artist working in the interdisciplinary field between art and technology. He has previously studied Art & Technology at Aalborg University and is currently pursuing a master's degree in Audio Design at Aarhus University. Frederik is particularly interested in systems, organic/chaotic behavior, ecology/ecosystems, and the various interactions between humans, technology, and nature.