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Line Skywalker Karlström


Curated by Kathrine Bolt


June 3, 2024 → June 30, 2024

Further information on opening date, event dates and general opening hours, will be posted closer to start date at https://astrid-noack.dk/ under menu "AKTIVITETER" and exhibition title.


June 3, 2024, 17.00 - 20.00

ANA - Astrid Noacks Atelier

Rådmandsgade 24, 2200 Nørrebro, Denmark




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by Line Skywalker Karlström


Hvad sker der i gentrificeringsprocessen når byens tidligere frirum bliver udraderet og forsvinder? Hvordan påvirker dette ikke kun de mennesker, hvis liv ikke er omfattet af mainstream-kultur, men også andre – ikke-menneskelige indbyggere i byen? Hvordan opretholder vi rum for fælles sanselig og seksuel nydelse, nysgerrighed og udforskning uden profitinteresser, når byen mister vildmarken, buskene og sine ødemarker? Baggrunden for Line Skywalker Karlström arbejde i ANA vil bestå af den omfattende forskning, som de har været involveret i – viet til queer-miljøet i New York før og under AIDS-krisen – da det også faldt sammen med, at New York blev gentrificeret og overtaget af finansielle investorer. I ANA vil de forfølge en interesse for cruising i det offentlige rum som en potentielt produktiv tilgang til at etablere et tilhørsforhold – uden for ejerskab og uden for vores plads i det private hjem. På baggrund af dette vil Karlström udvikle en række nye arbejder i og til ANA, der konkret vil tage form af film, tekstile arbejder og performance.

Udstillingen er støttet af Statens Kunstfond.

English version:
What happens in the gentrification process when the city’s former free spaces are erased and disappear? How does this affect not only the people whose lives are not encompassed by mainstream culture, but also other – non-human – inhabitants of the city? How do we maintain spaces for shared sensual and sexual pleasure, curiosity and exploration without profit interests when the city loses its wilderness, bushes and wastelands? The background for Line Skywalker Karlström’s work at ANA will consist of the extensive research they have been involved in – devoted to the queer community in New York before and during the AIDS crisis – as it also coincided with New York being gentrified and taken over by financial investors. In ANA, they will pursue an interest in cruising in public space as a potentially productive approach to establishing a sense of belonging – outside of ownership and outside of our place in the private home. Based on this, Karlström will develop a series of new works in and for ANA, which will specifically take the form of film, textile works and performance.

The exhibition is supported by the Danish Arts Foundation.