April 12, 2024 → May 11, 2024
Thursday, Friday, Saturday: 14:00-17:00
April 12, 2024, 17:00-20:00

DEAD OR ALIVE by Heidi Hove
When grave sites are discontinued or cleared, a few selected gravestones are preserved. Others of lesser value are sent for destruction. Some memories are preserved, while others disappear. Some stones are inherited, and others are not. The starting point for the exhibition "Dead or Alive" is a group of discarded gravestones and memorial plaques, which have commonalities and therefor have ended up at an intermediate station.
"Dead or Alive" is partly a memorial grove, partly an archive or storeroom, which, in addition to the gravestones, also contains larger figurations and smaller paperwork. For the exhibition, the gravestones have taken temporary residence among other objects and traces that point to the body and its conditions in a variation between the recognizable and the mysterious, between the meaningful and the worthless, between the beautiful and the repellent.
The exhibition title refers to the children's show "Rädda Joppa - Död eller Levande" (1985). The television series is about the stuffed animal Joppa, which disappears but always returns to the boy Ola.
The exhibition explores existential questions and personal memories and investigates the relationships and interactions that arise in the encounter with people, things, and places. With this exhibition, life's darker sides with death and decay camouflaged in questionable beauty are brought to light.
"Dead or Alive" is part of the exhibition program The Kinship Programme, which takes place in 2024 at c4 Projects and is curated by Anne Munnecke.
The exhibition is kindly supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, the Augustinus Foundation, the Beckett Foundation, the Aage and Johanne Luis-Hansen Foundation, and the Municipality of Copenhagen - Council for Visual Arts.