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Vida Vojić, Laura Hjort, Marina Dubia, Ivan Nylander, Anders Aarvik, Morten Poulsen, Kim Sandra Rask, Toke Højby Lorentzen, Laurits Honoré Rønne, Torkild Helland Kleppe, Anne Sofie Skjold Møller, Josefine Boel Johannessen

Bedrock 4

Curated by Laura Hjort, Anne Sofie Skjold Møller


May 24, 2024 → May 31, 2024

Saturday-Sunday: 12:00-16:00
Monday-Friday: By appointment


May 24, 2024, 17:00-20:00

Ladder Space

Halmtorvet 11D, 1700, København V




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Bedrock is the annual group exhibition of the Halmtorvet 11A-F studio collective. It serves as a container, providing a glimpse of the current state of the studio collective. Including both current and previous members of the collective, as well as former invited artists of Ladder Space, the exhibition reestablishes the studio collective, whatever that means to each of us in its arbitrary state.

The premise of the exhibition is not to control or manage what the artists contribute, which means that the exhibition contains works at different stages of production, showcasing many facets of what can be conceived as "finished." By continually opening up the building, the audience can peek into some of the raw processes that are going on in the stables, as well as observe how these processes change over time.

Bedrock refers to the foundation or bottom of a mountain; something hidden and solid from which the mountain protrudes. Seemingly solid, it is still in constant change, morphing into other shapes, affected by its surroundings and internal states.