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Mai Northcote

Wicked wicca wika vikker wicker


Jan. 23, 2025 → Jan. 26, 2025

Friday - Sunday 11-15


Jan. 23, 2025, 16-19

FAA Project Room

Jernbanegade 13, 5000 Odense C, Denmark



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Poster of a knot made out of cut paper with light writing inside containing the exhibition info


“Wicked wicca wika vikker wicker” er en soloudstilling af Mai Northcote, som undersøger sammenfletning og -knudring gennem papirsklip og tegning.
I udstillingen arbejdes der med motiverne hekse-sækdug (en svamp, som skaber rede-lignende “heksekoste” i dunbirkens trækroner), bindebreve (en bejlerisk forgænger til gækkebrevet) og “the wicker man” (en druidisk offerfigur i pileflet, som primært er dokumenteret i romersk propaganda).


“Wicked wicca wika vikker wicker” is a solo exhibition by Mai Northcote that explores knots and intertwinement through paper cuttings and drawings.
The exhibitions circles around the motifs of taphrina betulina (the fungus that creates “witches’ brooms” in the crowns of birch trees), bindebreve (a papercut letter of courtship, and a predecessor to gækkebrevet) and the wicker man (a druidic sacrificial figure, which is primarily documented through Roman propaganda).