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Sif Hedegård

Ghost Machine


Dec. 12, 2024 → Feb. 1, 2025

Thursday - Friday, 12-4pm
Saturday, 12-3pm


Dec. 12, 2024, 18:00 - 20:00

Matteo Cantarella

Rådmandsgade 45, Copenhagen, 2200, Denmark



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Sif Hedegård, ‘Ghost Machine VIII’, pine wood, aluminum, paint, varnish, glue, motor, 25.0 x 25.0 x 10.0 cm, 2024


Known for her performative actions using her body to reframe themes of fragility and trauma, in ‘Ghost Machine’ Hedegård debuts an installation of motorized clockwork sculptures pacing through cadenced, purposeless motions.

Sif Hedegård (b. 1986, Denmark) lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark. Hedegård holds an MFA from Funen Art Academy in Odense, Denmark. Her work has been exhibited at Den Frie Centre for Contemporary Art (Copenhagen, Denmark), Celsius Projects (Malmö, Sweden), Bonamatic (Copenhagen, Denmark), Hot Dock (Bratislava, Slovakia), I: project space (Bejing, China) and at Shanaynay (Paris, France) among others.