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David Sebastian Lopez Restrepo, Live Art Dk

Empathy Talk #4

Curated by Chiara Bastoni


Nov. 22, 2024

One-day event: 18:00-19:15

Supertime Boookstore

Blågårdsgade 31C, Copenhagen, 2200, Denmark



25 DKK

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Artwork by Letitia Daspina


The fourth episode of a cluster of talks to reflect on the human condition and the now, through the lenses of art, emotional awareness and empathy. These talks included artists and experts from the fields of dance, music, performance art, figurative art and cuisine, and hope to create a setting for empowering conversations about art and its role in these complex times.

The fourth event invites artists David Sebastian Lopez Restrepo and Live Art Denmark in a conversation about performance art, a relatively unknown but impactful art form. Both David Sebastian and Live Art Denmark have been active in the field for more than 20 years and will bring us into contact with this art form through their words and, most importantly, through their actions, which are the very essence of performance. Participants will be involved in a demonstration that will hopefully spark a small transformation in everyone's personal relationship with art and the world around them.