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Morten Poulsen

Resistance Loudness Echo


Oct. 4, 2024 → Oct. 20, 2024

Saturday-Sunday Oct 5-6: 13.00-15.30
Saturday-Sunday Oct 12-13: 13.00-15.30
Saturday-Sunday Oct 19-20: 13.00-15.30
and by appointment.


Oct. 4, 2024, 17:00-19:00

Ladder Space

Halmtorvet 11D, København V, 1700, Denmark




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Photo by Morten Poulsen


Filled with lived experience, sound can aim to protest and awake the listener to join in revolt. It is a physical force that unsettles established ideologies, when fat, flesh and bones collide with dominant structures. Amidst both agitational noise and systemic silence, listening helps us to practice our sensitivity and ability to respond. From this point, artist Morten Poulsen and friends presents works from 2024 featuring experimental punk music and sound installations.

At the opening on Friday October 4th, there will be a performance by UK/DK-based trumpet-player Ben Rodney. Music in the exhibition was created in collaboration with danish punk-band Utæt.

Throughout his practice and research, artist Morten Poulsen is interested in the ways in which we are embedded in socio-political structures. Fundamental to his work is the understanding of listening as a transformative activity that has a potential to (re)form the listener(s). Mortens artistic work has been exhibited widely at exhibition spaces such as Kunstbygningen i Vrå (Ung Dansk Samtidskunst), Kunsten Museum of Contemporary Art in Aalborg, Kunsthal Aarhus, Skjold Contemporary, SixtyEight Art Institute and c4 Projects. His research has been published by Seismograf (DK) and presented at PARSE Biennal for Artistic Research in Gothenburg (SE). He has a background as drummer and composer, and has toured internationally with the underwater concert Aquasonic. He is educated at the Rhythmic Music Conservatory and the International Center for Knowledge in the Arts in Copenhagen. He teaches sound art and music production at the youth club Musikloftet in Copenhagen. - www.morten-poulsen.dk

The exhibition is supported by Vesterbro Lokaludvalg. Thanks to Anders Aarvik and MUVE.