ursuppe is a public service for contemporary art in Denmark that amplifies and preserves events, archives and highlights, as well as providing a pinboard

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Aslak Warming, Ayna Steigerwald, Charlie Spiegelfeld, Clara Birnbaum Pantzerhielm, Frej Volander, Isabella Martin, Isabella Zanoni, Jenny Schäfer, Jonis Hartmann, Liisi Haljas, Louise Vind Nielsen, Luzia Cruz, Magda Skytte, Margrethe Marta Lange Smedegaard, Marilyn Hacker, Mathias Kristoffer Dyhr Johansen, Melissa Kurt, Mia Louise Dinitzen, Michael Paulsen, Millie Schwier, Sasha Atamas, Sille Petersen, Sissel Skjød, Sofie Isager Ahl, Tobias Meier, Villő Geszler

Launch – Materia No. 2

Curated by Rita Barbro Wilcke, Rikke Dræby Halding


Sept. 26, 2024

One-day event: 17-21

Ladder Space

Halmtorvet 11D, København V, 1700, Denmark




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Materia No. 2


Invitation til lancering

Tidstrykket Materia er en tværkulturel publikation i krydsfeltet mellem billedkunst, litteratur og filosofi på tværs af landegrænser, der udgives på Forlaget Materia. Andet nummer af Materia er en undersøgelse af HØST.

D. 26. september er der lancering for Tidstrykket Materia No. 2.

DJ-duoen Juri&Ferdinand hele vejen fra Tyskland vil spille og, der vil være drinks, oplæsninger, musik og gode mennesker for HØSTEN!

English version:

Invitation for the launch

Materia is a cross-cultural publication in the intersection of visual art, literature and philosophy across national borders, published by Materia Publishing. The second issue of Materia is a study of HARVEST.

The 26th of September the launch of the second issue of Materia is happening!

The Dj-duo Juri&Ferdinand all the way from Germany will tune the night.

The night will bring drinks, readings, music and lovely people for the HARVEST!