Sarah McNulty, Elisabeth Molin
Artist(s): Sarah McNulty, Elisabeth Molin
Type: Exhibition
Location: Vermland Basement
Dates: Nov. 19, 2024 → Dec. 14, 2024
Photographer: Brian Kure, Luigi Lamar


Credit: Sarah McNulty, Photographer: Brian Kure

Credit: Sarah McNulty, Photographer: Brian Kure

Credit: Sarah McNulty, Photographer: Brian Kure

Credit: Elisabeth Molin, Photographer: Luigi Lamar

Credit: Elisabeth Molin, Photographer: Luigi Lamar

Credit: Sarah McNulty, Photographer: Brian Kure

Credit: Sarah McNulty, Photographer: Brian Kure

Credit: Sarah McNulty, Photographer: Brian Kure , Photographer: Brian Kure

Credit: Sarah McNulty, Elisabeth Molin, Photographer: Brian Kure

Credit: Elisabeth Molin, Photographer: Luigi Lamar

Credit: Elisabeth Molin, Photographer: Luigi Lamar

Credit: Sarah McNulty, Photographer: Brian Kure

Credit: Elisabeth Molin, Photographer: Luigi Lamar

Credit: Elisabeth Molin, Photographer: Luigi Lamar

Credit: Elisabeth Molin, Photographer: Luigi Lamar
On hand and knees, eek through, under, between, out the other side, where there might be refuge or escape. Underground, there is fire glowing and liquid seeping. There are things underfoot here, materials discarded, deconstructed, excavated, reassembled, Motives that rupture, spill and rot, seeping out of edges, corners, walls. Backsides are exposed, insides have leaked out. Seams and systems glitched, lost or manipulated information. Offerings given, we gather around the light, perform our rituals alone, while endlessly surrounded, gathered here together. Take off your clothes, avoid eye contact.
Author: Sarah McNulty