Jóhan Martin Christiansen
Jeppe Sleeping
Artist(s): Jóhan Martin Christiansen
Type: Exhibition
Location: Bonne Espérance
Dates: June 22, 2024 → Aug. 18, 2024
Photographer: Malle Madsen


Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view

Jeppe Sleeping, 2024, copper etching and dry point on BFK - Arches Rives 300g

Jeppe Sleeping, 2024, copper etching on BFK - Arches Rives 300g

Jeppe Sleeping, 2024, copper etching on BFK - Arches Rives 300g

Jeppe Sleeping, 2024, copper etching on BFK - Arches Rives 300g

Jeppe Sleeping, 2023, copper etching on BFK - Arches Rives 300g

Jeppe Sleeping, 2023, copper etching on BFK - Arches Rives 300g

Jeppe Sleeping, 2024, copper etching on BFK - Arches Rives 300g

Jeppe Sleeping, 2024, copper etching on BFK - Arches Rives 300g

Jeppe Sleeping, 2023, copper etching on BFK - Arches Rives 300g

Jeppe Sleeping, 2024, copper etching on BFK - Arches Rives 300g

Jeppe Sleeping, 2024, copper etching on BFK - Arches Rives 300g

Jeppe Sleeping, 2024, copper etching and dry point on BFK - Arches Rives 300g
“Desire is ingrained in the history of lovers, and of bodies. To be honest, it was implicit also in the attempts of writing this text. The desire for this text to be; and also, to be about desire. But then, since everything – text, bodies… especially bodies, and also lovers – has been progressively thrown out there, given to the exteriority, including the often-autocratic public stage and consequential, unavoidable politicization, it became unclear: Does it still make sense to talk about desire? Not simply because it was turned – like so much of everything else – into a reduction, in form of either a product, a commodity, or one of those quantifying measures that sustain identities. Rather, the hesitancy with regard to the matter of desire came up due to another issue: the difficulty in finding, or recognizing, the remaining spaces of true intimacy.” https://bonneesperance.org/exhibitions/jeppe-sleeping/masa-tomsic
Author: Maša Tomšič