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Marte Gundersen

Kjære Anna

Curated by Breaking


9 May 2024 → 8 Sep 2024

Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 12:00-18:00
Thursday: 12:00-20:00
Saturday & Sunday: 12:00-16:00
Monday: closed
Closed from 12.08.24 until 24.08.24


9 May 2024, 16:00-18:00

Fotografisk Center

Staldgade 16, 1699 København V, Denmark



40 DKK

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Marte Gundersen, "Kjære Anna", 2023


Fotografisk Centers platform "Breaking" presents the exhibition "Kjære Anna" (Dear Anna) with the Norwegian photographer and visual artist Marte Gundersen.

Marte Gundersen:
"The year I turned 20, I learned a lot about myself. Both that I fall in love with women, but also that I have inherited a deadly cancer gene and needed to have a double mastectomy. Being told that you are at risk of dying at a young age affects not only yourself, but also those closest to you. Through this documentary photo series, I attempt to shed light on how the past years has been for me and my ex-girlfriend Anna; how we faced the challenges together and grown together. Breast and ovarian cancer are among the most common cancers affecting women in Norway. It is estimated that 5-10% of these cancers are due to heredity. For me, the most important therapy has been to photograph, write and talk about how everyday life is. My ex-girlfriend was there for me and supported me every single day."

The exhibition Kjære Anna (Dear Anna) is a true narrative about the emotions experienced by a young person who is suddenly diagnosed with a deadly illness. Pain, anxiety, and love are documented through photographic works by the Norwegian artist Marte Gundersen, where intimate motifs, light, and strong colors express the emotional turmoil she and the people close to her suddenly find themselves in. As a spectator, one gains a special insight into Marte Gundersen's everyday life, which turned into a battle for survival, and where an understanding of the costs of the illness, along with the camera, constitute a therapeutic tool.