Arendse Krabbe
Invitation to Listen: Sound of becoming another kind of being - living - dying
Sept. 20, 2024 → Oct. 13, 2024
Arendse Krabbe invites you to Listeningsituations
Friday 20 September at 5pm
Thursday 26 September at 5 pm
Thursday 3 October at 5 pm
Sunday 13 October at 3pm
Please register via Billetto
More details on
Wednesday 16 October at 2-5pm
Banner workshop for the Palestine Square with Suada Demirovic
Sept. 20, 2024, 17:00-19:00
ANA - Astrid Noacks Atelier
Rådmandsgade 34, Nørrebro N, 2200, Denmark

splittet sfaere i jord (2).jpg
You are invited to a listening situation in Astrid Noack Atelier. You listen to the room and the room listens to you. Beyond his acoustic performance, Astrid Noacks plaster sculpture Young man planting a tree leads me to today’s urgent need to plant a tree, an oak tree, an olive tree, any tree.
In the listening situation, shifts in time and space also occur when sounds from a past but current event are played through loudspeakers. The sound of a reading will also be present. The text being read is the testimonies of people in Gaza, testimonies whose statements are present in the room as they are read out. It is in these folds of time, place and sound that Pauline Olivero’s words resonate; ‘Our world is a complex matrix of vibrating energy, matter and air, just as we are made of vibrations. Vibration connects us with all beings and connects us to all things interdependently.” Perhaps it’s obvious that vibrations connect us. But how do you listen? How do I listen? How are communities created in relation to how we listen? Pauline Oliveros points out in her manifesto for listening as activism Quantum Listening; “how we listen creates our lives”.
A kite and its tail are also present in the space. It was made by a group of artists and cultural workers who demonstrate against the genocide in Gaza. The kite is also made in sympathy for the artists and cultural workers around the world who are censored when they speak critically about the genocide in Gaza. The community, which I am also a part of, has borrowed space at Til Vægs in Lundtoftegade to organise themselves. The kite is inspired by the poem ‘If I must die’ written by poet, writer, university professor and mentor for young people Refaat Alareer. He was born in 1979 – the same year as me. He died in an Israeli airstrike in 2023 along with his brother and sister and her four children. Refaat Alareer left behind his wife and their six children. In April 2024, Refaat Alareer’s daughter Shaima, her husband and their four-month-old son were also killed in an Israeli air strike. The kite’s tail is several metres long and has loops – each loop represents a child killed in Gaza. Over 14,000 children have been killed in Gaza. The kite is present in the room in such a way that it is ready to be taken back to the streets to demonstrate against the genocide in Gaza.
The listening situation you are invited to is made in love and care for you as a listener, Astrid Noack’s Atelier as a listener, the community around the kite and the people suffering distress and loss. In the hope of love and with loving vibrations ~ Arendse Krabbe
The title of the exhibition is a quote from American composer Pauline Olivero’s text ‘The Earth Worm Also Sings’. Pauline Oliveros (1932 -2016) was a composer, musician, activist and founder and practitioner of Deep Listening.
In her artistic practice, Arendse Krabbe works with what it means to listen. Including how listening requires a fully present body. She is interested in exploring what mutual listening means and how this practice can create new and different communities across species, ethnicity, systems and borders. Arendse Krabbe works process-orientated, often engaging in collective constellations with people, other life forms and dimensions. Her work manifests itself as listening situations, sound, video, text and radio.
Join us for Banner workshop for the Palestine Square with visual artist Suada Demirovic on 16 October, 2-5pm in Astrid Noack’s Atelier. We will make a collective banner for the exhibition space Palæstina Plads in Nørrebro. Please bring leftover textiles (like discarded duvet covers), yarn, needle, sewing thread if you have any lying around. Everyone can join in. The workshop is in collaboration with Til Vægs.
The exhibition is supported by The Danish Arts Foundation.