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Claus Haxholm, Allan Rand




Artist(s): Claus Haxholm, Allan Rand

Type: Exhibition

Location: Farveriet

Dates: 8 Jun 2024 → 28 Jun 2024

Photographer: JM

Cantoria exhibition view 1

Cantoria exhibition view 1

Cantoria exhibition view 2

Cantoria exhibition view 2

Cantoria exhibition view 3

Cantoria exhibition view 3

Cantoria exhibition view 4

Cantoria exhibition view 4

Cantoria exhibition view 5

Cantoria exhibition view 5

Detail: Untitled (Cantoria no. 2), Allan Rand

Detail: Untitled (Cantoria no. 2), Allan Rand


CANTORIA The exhibition and the operetta Cantoria will be presented on Saturday 8 June at Farveriet in Vejle (Denmark) from 15 - 18, Spinderigade 11 e. After that, it can be visited in the period 9 - 28 June 2024 by appointment on tel. +45 24605856. Cantoria is produced and staged by the artists Claus Haxholm and Allan Rand. The exhibition takes place in the old dye factory from Vejle vestby's Spinderihaller and marks the start of a series of events of independent projects that will take place with new collaborators in e.g. Tuscany, Sydney and Brussels.

Author: CV